it.cultura.cybersocieta scheduled for sporge flood
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
2007-08-09 02:44:11 UTC
Sporge flooding of it.cultura.cybersocieta will commence in a few hours.

This will render it.cultura.cybersocieta useless. For an example, see Sci.Crypt.

Supernews filters out this sporgery spam. Get a better Usenet
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Well Beth will divide the waste, and if Dolf crudely guarantees it too, the disaster will present in relation to the implicit coach.
John Hadstate
2007-08-09 16:54:13 UTC
Post by s***@it.cultura.cybersocieta
Sporge flooding of it.cultura.cybersocieta will commence in a few hours.
This will render it.cultura.cybersocieta useless. For an example, see Sci.Crypt.
Magari. è un mortorio. Nemmeno più le FAQ di Mamo.
This is one of those times when I'm glad I don't understand
Italian ;-)
Enrico C
2007-08-09 18:24:59 UTC
Sporge flooding of it.cultura.cybersocieta will commence in a few
Post by John Hadstate
Magari. è un mortorio. Nemmeno più le FAQ di Mamo.
This is one of those times when I'm glad I don't understand
Italian ;-)
In other words: we couldn't care less. Close the door when you are
finished. ;D

[ma 'sti troll international li fanno lavorare anche in agosto? non
c'hanno una spiaggia per andare al mare e svagarsi un po', poveretti?
sarà anche questo colpa di biagi e treu come dice caruso? boh!]
Il Poeta della Corteciia
2007-08-17 15:52:47 UTC
In article <***@news.lillathedog.net>, Enrico C
Organization: Pastasciutta Eaters
ROTFL! Un roditore politico internazionale.
Enrico C
2007-08-17 21:35:21 UTC
Post by Il Poeta della Corteciia
ROTFL! Un roditore politico internazionale.
Nel frattempo hanno floodato it.scienza.ambiente, cercando di mettere
in cattiva luce Supernews
Il Poeta della Corteccia
2007-08-19 09:04:39 UTC
Nel frattempo hanno floodato it.scienza.ambiente ...
è una perdita grave, a cui difficilmente il poplo usenettiano e
l'ambiente accademico potrà sopperire.

Enrico C
2007-08-10 01:26:11 UTC

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy


When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

=3D Highwater =3D


A Soldier's Life Held in Contempt

The way I see it, is that I am completely documented correct
on who was responsible for the terrorist crimes of 9/11.

The affidavit that starts "1. National Security Issues" was
submitted in conjunction with my motion to request assistance
from the Court. The additional paper "Stand Together or
Don't", was an added part of the same affidavit.

The affidavit with 38 positions was submitted with the two
motions, "Order of Production" and "for the Crown to Stay
Proceedings". Duplicate copies of the same affidavit were
submitted in each respect.


/ / In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." \ \

Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the benefit of the enemy
Enrico C
2007-08-10 23:54:19 UTC
one right after another, are up here talking
about a nuclear strike! [more bushite DEMON mass death and
suffering against Life] On a country that hasn't threatened
US?, hasn't harmed US?, has no capability to attack US? Do
YOU understand the madness we have descended to? \ \

'Kill Anyone Still Alive': American Special Ops

Can you not as a American Man, destroy bushite brayers to defend
innocent life? Americans could not care less presently for
the value of Human life. Americans do nothing to defend
their lives, but officially plan to murder more for the Satanic
demon antichrist in silence. Out of millions, how many even
bother to make a phone call to talk radio against the neocon.
how many? Five or six? Seriously.. How many? I know bushites
are demon liars for the neocon, but is it really impossible for
"Americans" to try speaking?, in the face of murdering millions
more forsaken by enemy mortal, pro child killer George Norry?
George Norry too nice of a guy to even bother question the value
of American children? The THIEF Art Bell's voice too soothing
to care that neocons own pirated America, and on everything she
stands whoring as WAR CRIMINALS to the FOR REAL antichrist?

Death to the lawless bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind


God is Great

Again, George W. bush did 911 with General Ahmad, but CBC
zionists, actual treasonous LIARS, actually smile to dying
Canadian soldiers with only true contempt. CBC kills Canadian
kids, with their intentional demon lies, trying to subvert
Justice for God and Johnny
Enrico C
2007-08-10 01:03:10 UTC
than serve the
protections of Justice as ourselves.

/ / According to the Islamic understanding of power, the
Mujahideen don't compete for the positions in the leadership. \ \

"Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be
killed," he [the bushite nazi dumfuk 'Taliban' 2nd in command]
said. He did not elaborate.

Hmmm. Allah is all, and negotiating for freedom from naked
bushite tyranny is won EASILY through communicating
understanding. The tribal strategy of Afghan fighters, where
Allah is Oonerroh, seems to be not the only thing missing from
the statements of this "Taliban" RELIGIOUS FUNDEMENTALIST top
top top leader. Only "second" to Omar the Just. (Apparently
an individual this current bushite incantation of "Dadullah"
is totally un-familiar of.) Omar, the Just, whom Dadullah
claims he receives his Top Secret nobody can see'im orders.
In other winds: Bill a bushite for God and America, an all
day long you'll have good faith in a world freeing ourselves
of godless dumfuk tyranny implemented by the horribly foolish,
as de
Enrico C
2007-08-10 00:10:29 UTC
you bill it for Christ, You bill it for
America, You bill it for them, you bill it for US.

Murdering bushite gang rapists try escaping true accountability


/ / Why did the Army, within three hours, return to tell
neighbors that this was the work of insurgents apparently
without any investigation? \ \

See? in Johnny's world, that "the Army" person would have
been the FIRST questioned, then likely arrested. But look, it
hasn't even been acknowledged as evil doing in progress.
(Every time you read, "The Army says..", become aware.)

It should be noted, ungodly bushite enemy commanders call
every car bomb in Iraq, al-Qaida, without even pretending to
do freedom operations for YOUR protections, as just another
dead body in the rubble. (Likely caused by Aegis for cash
profit.) So then, look my friends, Amerka refuses to demand
justice to save the lives of their very own sons and
daughters. And when, WE, Humanity, beg them to answer our
calls for accountability, they refuse but for to LIE, stating
publicly, "God" would grant robbing from innocent others, to
enrich their great unholy tyrannical demon liar. They know
easily that the bushmob did 911, and they like it. No, they
crave it. The chance of murdering their own "loves" to
enslave the human race for the antichrist, sounds great, just
as long as they can get themselves in on the take.

/ / Idiot General Says Dead U.S. Troops Best Reason To Keep
War Going And Kill More U.S. Troops

[Option B: More Dead U.S. Generals And Fewer Dead U.S.
Troops ?] \ \

If the sacrifice of soldiers lives is going to mean anything,
it going to mean how long it took, Americans to care for
themselves as really worth something. When, or if that day
should come, it will be the day where Iraqis victims are seen,
John Hadstate
2007-08-10 03:05:07 UTC
addiction). \ \

American grunts get FREE all the Dexedrine they can shoot

Do you know how a crackhead finds itself? Lost by
indifference to the ultimate, only goal, more dope. Freedom
Fighter? or crackhead WHORE, who hopes to find a dollar
'somewhere' to stave off it's crackmaster, the "American
People", led by the un-elected demon dictator, our criminal
Mr. bush Jr., as the true enemies of all Mankind. Bushites
are on serious dope to be so dumb as cowardly accomplices to a
traitor of themselves, that they would die as, before
actually defending God's America - that they gave an Oath to.

I guess a soldier's word doesn't count for much in bushville.

The bushmob did 911 as traitors to God and Country, don't you
know anything worth living for? my dying unjustly brothers
and sisters? My friends, please fear not wisdom communicated
by a REAL Man, for, we explain ourselves to the best of YOUR
ability to listen simply. G. W. Bush used no evidence to
form America's "conclusion" on who did US wrong on 911. So,
Please, stop forsaking yourself, for, we're going nowhere.
Support Johnny's call to demand open debate without censorship
from the magic radio and TV execs, who hide in darkness,
pretending to be our friends, while refusing intelligent
dialog to answer any of our big troubles easily. Why?
because largely, they're powerless without beating us down as
giving 'Christ like' VICTIM so much - with their irrational
ignorance f
John Hadstate
2007-08-10 00:43:23 UTC


Ron Paul Slams Ron Paul!

"If you happen to be working for a big company, or the
government, you get health benefits dirt cheap.[?] But if your
trying to make it on your own, and you don't have insurance,
you might be charged two or three time more than the
government will pay!"

Almost. PBS showed a man who fell from a ladder, broke a rib,
and was bankrupt from his near $250,000+ bill for, for private
"free market" health care. Money demanded that doesn't go to
the doctors, nurses, or "public" hospitals. So what is Ron
Paul saying about Ron Paul? I'd wager, he doesn't know
himself, and fears like FOXNEWS from open debate of those who
try to teach US to walk through his own argument, (or follow
the money (al-Qaida=3DAhmad)) and find the fault of all proud
blind Libertarians. Look, don't you want the best service
possible for the dollars expended? Why give your BASIC health
care treatment dollars to a do nothing shareholder, or hedge
fund CEOer for procedures, who's success is not made better by
needlessly increasing the costs for nothing but selfish sicko
greed by bribe payers. Again, rarely are those that "earn"
billions in public health care, care givers, but takers.
Someone ask Dr. Ron Paul, or Ross Perot, why those with
leverage, are able to negotiate better deals through
intelligent design, leaving others as single payers, (poor
unrepresented pension people,) to flip their expen
John Hadstate
2007-08-10 01:20:42 UTC
any (chosen) man in America
(with our familiar "Exploitation Units"), who has a picture
anywhere on their computer of a fully clothed teen, while
denying this following censored video of children being beat
to death for fun and profit is real.

Please, my brothers, join me in hunting each and every bushite
present in this video down for death. For a Love of God that
will never end, until we have seen each and every responsible
child killing bushite present brought to true Justice extreme.

/ / British Soldiers beat unarmed Children
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